[Resourse] Resourse=ToolkitPro.ResourceEn.dll Locale=English.1252 RTL=false [Main Menu] Menu_Bar=Menu Bar File=File Edit=Edit Exit=Exit ToolBar=ToolBar Help=Help About=About Contents=Contents View=View ToolBars=ToolBars Panels=Panels Get_It_For_FREE=Get it for FREE! Word_Wrap=Word wrap Filters_library=Filters library Reset_Panels=Reset panels locations Priorities_library=Priorities library Move=Move Raise_priority=Raise priority Reduce_priority=Reduce priority Page_Setup=Page setup Forum=Community ForumSmall=Community QuickStart=Quick start CheckUpdates=Check updates SubscribeToNews=Subscribe to Newsletter Import=Import Minutes=minutes Find=Find Feature_request=Feature request [Main] Main=Main Print=Print Print_preview=Print preview Options=Options Buy=Buy now! Backup=Backup WebSite=Web site WriteUs=Write us Settings=Settings Preview=Preview Save_Filter=Save filter Filter_Saved=Filter saved Save_Priority=Save priority WebOrganizer=Web organizer [Tasks] Tasks=Tasks Add_Task=Add Task Sub_Task=Sub Task Edit_Task=Edit Task Show_Completed=Show completed tasks Date_Begin=Start date Date_End=End date Properties=Properties Projects=Projects Categories=Categories Contacts=Contacts Calendar=Calendar Change_Group=Change the group Previous=Previous Next=Next Show_Active=Show àctive tasks Bookmarks=Bookmarks Select_All=Select all Check=Start Add_Link=Add Link Sub_Link=Sub Link Add_Note=Add Note Sub_Note=Sub Note Notes=Notes Add=Add Show_Link=Show links Show_Note=Show notes Period=Period SendTo=Send to Columns=Columns ColumnType=Type Sort_Ascending=Sort ascending Sort_Descending=Sort descending No_Sort=No sort SmartColumns=Smart columns From=From To=To Periods=Periods Links=Links ActiveTasks=Active tasks ComplitedTasks=Complited tasks PreparedWithLT=Prepared with LeaderTask: www.leadertask.com [Navigator] Navigator=Navigator New_Project=New project New_Contact=New contact New_Category=New category New_Period=New period Show_more=Show more buttons Show_fewer=Show fewer buttons New_Group=New group Configure_buttons=Buttons [Buttons] OK=OK Cancel=Cancel Apply=Apply Close=Close Delete=Delete HowToRegister=How to register EnterCode=Enter code None=None Automatic_Color=Automatic Color Bold=Bold Italic=Italic Underline=Underline Align_Left=Align Left Center=Center Align_Right=Align Right Font_Color=Font Color Highlight=Highlight Expand_All=Expand All Collapse_All=Collapse All Font=Font Font_Size=Font Size Yes=Yes No=No Copy=Copy Paste=Paste More_Colors=More colors AutoHide=Hide InWindow=Window NextPage=Next page PrevPage=Previous page TwoPage=Two page ZoomIn=Zoom in ZoomOut=Zoom out Save=Save Load=Load GetFullVersion=GET FULL VERSION Undo=Undo Cut=Cut NextView=Next view PrevView=Previous view Uppercase=Uppercase Up=Up Down=Down Left=Left Right=Right Add_or_Remove_Buttons=Add or remove buttons Clear=Clear Finish=Finish ReadMore=Read more Select=Select [Tray] Restore=Restore [Dialogs] RegistrationName=Registration name RegistrationKey=Registration key ThankYou=Thank you! Please restart the program. RegisteredTo=This product is registered to Group=Group Color=Color Title=Title Category_Properties=Category properties Commentary=Commentary Project_Properties=Project properties DaysOffSet=Default task duration (days) Acknowledgement=Confirmation Always_ask_the_acknowledgement=Ask always Are_you_really_want_to_del_task=Do you really want to delete the task? Are_you_really_want_to_del_project=Do you really want to delete the project? Are_you_really_want_to_del_category=Do you really want to delete the category? Are_you_really_want_to_del_contact=Do you really want to delete the contact? Are_you_really_want_to_del_period=Do you really want to delete the period? Are_you_really_want_to_del_group=Do you really want to delete the group? Also_30_tasks_will_be_removed=30 tasks will be deleted Delete_task=Delete task Delete_project=Delete project Delete_category=Delete category Delete_contact=Delete contact Delete_period=Delete period Delete_group=Delete group Database_overcrowded=The database is overfilled Task_Properties=Task properties Task_complited_at=Actual completeness Group_Properties=Group properties Goal=Goal Type=Type OffsetDays=Offset days AmountDays=Amount days Floating=Floating Limited=Limited Periodic=Periodic Personal=Personal Full_name=Full name Email=Email Web_homepage=Web homepage Mobile_phone=Mobile phone Phone=Phone Shortname=Short name Fax=Fax Street_address=Street address City=City Province=State / Province ZIP=ZIP / Postal code Country=Country Birthday=Birthday Wife=Wife (husband) Children=Children Path_to_backup_copies=Path to the backup copy BackupSuccessful=The backup copy has been successfully created BackupFailed=Failed to create a backup copy RestoreSuccessful=The data has been successfully restored RestoreFailed=Failed to restore from the backup copy Information=Information NotReg=This feature is only available in the registered version. Please register your copy. Are_you_really_want_to_load_backup=After you restore the data from the backup copy, all old data will be deleted. Restore data from the backup copy? Link_Properties=Link properties Note_Properties=Note properties UseDate=Use date Select_project=Select project Select_category=Select category Select_contact=Select contact Select_period=Select period Select_date=Select date Unknown=Unknown Filter=Filter Message=Message Current=Current Favorite=Favorite Priority=Priority WithoutPriority=Without priority Weight=Weight Step=Step Period_Properties=Period properties Contractor_Properties=Contact properties ClearBase=Clear base Are_you_sure=Are you sure? SetPassword=Set password EnterPassword=Enter password EnterPasswordAgain=Confirm password HelpPassword=Password hint EnterHelpPassword=Enter password hint PasswordIncorrect=Password incorrect! Outlook_contacts=Contacts from Outlook ImportFailed=Import has come to the end with failure ImportSuccessful=Import is successfully completed! Imported=Imported General=General ConfirmDelete=Confirm delete RecurrensDelete=Do you want to delete all occurrences of the reccurring task, or just this one? RecurrensDeleteOccur=delete this occurrence RecurrensDeleteSeries=delete the series RecurrensOpen=Open recurring task RecurrensOpenText=This is a recurring task. Do you want to open this occurrence or the series? RecurrensOpenOccur=open this occurrence RecurrensOpenSeries=open the series SortBy=Sort by [Options] Additional=Additional Additional_options=Additional_options Auto_run=Start with Windows Backup_load=Load data from backup copy Bold_day=Bold day if task present Calendar=Calendar Check_end_date=Set end date to today when task check Close_to_tray=Hide into the tray Colorize=Color Colorize_and_grid_lines=Color and draw the grid Compress_weekends=Compress weekend days Dashes=Dashes Date_format=Date format Delete_category=Delete category Delete_contact=Delete contact Delete_filter=Delete filter Delete_group=Delete group Delete_period=Delete period Delete_priority=Delete priority Delete_project=Delete project Delete_task=Delete task Draw_vertical_lines=Draw vertical lines End_day=End time First_weekday=First day of week General=General Grid_blend_percent=percent of mixing with the table Draw_grid_lines=Draw the grid Grid_style=Grid style Enable_in_place_create_task=Enable in place create task Interface=Interface Language=Language Large_dots=Large Dots Line_blend_percent=percent of mixing with the grid Ignore_task_color_for_printing=Ignore task color for printing Note_auto_paste=Auto paste text from buffer in empty note No_change_end=Not to change the date of completion, dragging the calendar No_lines=No Lines Property_on_double_click=Open task property on double click Property_on_enter=Open task property on Enter button pressed Settings=Settings Shade_sort_column=Shade sort column Show_confirmation_for=Show confirmation for Show_task_count=Show task count in Navigator Show_week_numbers=Show week numbers Small_dots=Small Dots Solid=Solid Start_day=Start time Table_style=Task table style Time_scale=Time scale Warnings=Warnings Word_wrap=Word wrap Work_week=Calendar work week [Contact] Anniversary=Anniversary Assistant=Assistant name Birthday=Birthday Business=Business Children=Children City=City Color=Color Commentary=Commentary Company_location=Company location Company_name=Company name Country=Country Creation_time=Creation_time Dates=Important dates Department=Department Display_name=Display name EMails=E-Mail addresses Entrusted_task=Entrusted task Faxes=Faxes First_name=First name Gender=Gender Company=Company Female=Female Male=Male Unspecified=Unspecified General=General Group=Group Home_location=Home location ICQ=ICQ Job_title=Unspecified Last_name=Last name Manager=Manager name Middle_name=Middle name Modification_time=Modification time Nickname=Nickname (handle) Performed_task=Performed task Personal=Personal Phones=Phone numbers Profession=Profession Contact_properties=Contact properties Records_count=Records count State=State / province Statistics=Statistics Street=Street address Tasks=Tasks Track_time=Track time Utilised_capacity=Utilized capacity Web_pages=Web pages Wife=Wife (husband) ZIP=ZIP / postal code [Project] Color=Color Completed=Completed Commentary=Commentary End_date=End date General=General Goal=Goal Group=Group Performer=Performer Project_properties=Project properties Start_date=Start date Title=Title [Task] Categories=Categories Command=Command Contact=Contact Contacts=Contacts Date=Date Email=E-mail File=File Folder=Folder General=General Link=Link Menu_command=menu command Open_contact=open contact Open_file=open file Open_folder=open folder Open_project=open project Paste=open URL or e-mail (paste from clipboard) Priority=Priority Without_priority=Without priority Project=Project Projects=Projects Properties=Properties Link_Properties=Link properties Note_Properties=Note properties Task_properties=Task properties Recurrence=Recurrence Start_series=Start series Daily=Daily Day_every=day(s) End_series=End series Every_day=Every Every_month=Every Every_week=Every Every_year=Every Monthly=Monthly Month_every=month(s) Month_day_every=day No_recurrence=Remove recurrence Weekly=Weekly Week_every=week(s) on Yearly=Yearly Remind=Remind Reminder=Reminder Time=Time Title=Title URL=URL [DaysLeft] Completed=Completed Delayed=Delayed Left_to_completion=Left to completion 1_day=1 day 2_days=2 days 3_days=3 days 4_days=4 days 5_days=5 days 6_days=6 days 7_days=7 days 8_days=8 days 9_days=9 days 10_days=10 days 11_days=11 days 12_days=12 days 13_days=13 days 14_days=14 days 15_days=15 days 16_days=16 days 17_days=17 days 18_days=18 days 19_days=19 days 20_days=20 days 21_days=21 days 22_days=22 days 23_days=23 days 24_days=24 days 25_days=25 days 26_days=26 days 27_days=27 days 28_days=28 days 29_days=29 days 30_days=30 days More_than_a_month=> a month More_than_two_months=> 2 months More_than_three_months=> 3 months More_than_four_months=> 4 months More_than_five_months=> 5 months More_than_six_months=> 6 months More_than_seven_months=> 7 months More_than_eight_months=> 8 months More_than_nine_months=> 9 months More_than_ten_months=> 10 months More_than_eleven_months=> 11 months More_than_a_year=> a year [Reminder] Reminder=Reminder DayLeft=This is a trial version of LeaderTask. You have 30 days left to evaluate this program. RegisterIt=To get all benefits of LeaderTask, register your copy. Having registered LeaderTask you get an opportunity to: Features_1=have all features of LeaderTask available Features_2=removing all the limitations Features_3=get unlimited technical support by e-mail Features_4=You will receive information electronically immediately after ordering! License=License Remind=Remind Date=Date Time=Time DateBirth=Date of birth DaysRemaining=Days remaining Contact=Contact Show=Show ExpiredTasks=Delayed tasks ExpiredTasksCount=The number of delayed tasks [TipOfTheDay] TipOfTheDay=Tip of the Day DidYouKnow=Did you Know... NextTip=Next tip ShowTipsAtStartup=Show tips at startup Tip0=Managing time means managing everything! Tip1=Explore no rules, but the exceptions: this is where discoveries are lurking. Tip2=Success makes success! Tip3=Do more detailed planning. Tip4=Keep positive in spite of all past failures. Tip5=Overcome your fears, real or imaginary. Tip6=Managing your time is managing yourself. Tip7=Cities fall under the power of the will! Tip8=Get rid of anything that doesn’t work for result, and think of the result Tip9=You should trust your insight and creative force more. Tip10=Do everything that’s within your power and think it your success. Tip11=It’s the future that makes man, not the past. Tip12=Develop in several directions. Tip13=Make creativity and not hording number one in your priority list. Tip14=Every problem should be solved now or never. Tip15=There is no direct interdependence between achievements and effort spent on them. Tip16=Use your imagination more than logic. Tip17=Acquire a habit of breaking all habits. Tip18=To make the realization of your life goals more probable, you should schedule your time for every day. Tip19=If you try to do the same thing at the same time every day, you are sure to save your effort. Tip20=Your keen mind should be controllable not to exercise control over you. Tip21=Think of a situation with the result in mind: what are you trying to do, what do you need, where are you going. Tip22=Acquire a habit of contemplating your desirable results in your mind’s eye – create images that can be seen, heard and felt, try to make them as realistic as possible. Tip23=Your self-opinion is the crucial factor that defines your deeds and achievements. Tip24=Goals and plans should make a well-organized and harmonious unity, so that even the most insignificant today’s task may be a step to your goal in the long run. Tip25=Every day do at least something that will get you closer to reaching the Goals of your Lifetime. Tip26=The best systems are: our inner thinking strategies; habits that continuously help us to get what we want. [SampleData] ProjectGroup1=Business ProjectGroup2=Hobby CategoryGroup1=Activity ContractorGroup1=Personal ContractorGroup2=Partners PeriodGroup1=Current PeriodGroup2=Strict time interval PeriodGroup3=Sliding time interval Contractor1=I'm Contractor2=Craig Bailey Category1=Information Category2=Promotion Category3=Development Category4=Web Design Category5=Support Category6=Other Project1=Project Janus Project2=Fishing Project3=Order #227 Project4=Reading Period1=Today Period2=Tomorrow Period3=3 days Period4=Current week Period5=Next week Period6=March Period7=April Period8=May Period9=June Priority1=Must be done Priority2=Better to do Priority3=Optional Filter1=All tasks Filter2=I'm today Task1=Settle it with Alex about fishing Task2=Order the design of the site header (software logo + slogan) Task3=Buy a domain for the product Task4=Optimize pages for keywords (SEO) Task5=Ask the hosting service why the site is down Task6=Write an article about "Installation from a disk" Task7=Find the maximum amount of information on automation of registering economic operations in an organization Task8=Prepare a report on sales in February 2007 Task9=Call the customer and find out the details of implementing the "Visitor statistics" feature Task10=Call the head of the advertising agency - settle the question about the extension of renting the advertising block Task11=Call the editor of "Computer and Life" and find out when the publication is due Task12=Back up documents Task13=Pay the car service center Task14=Meeting with the IT department head Task15=Meeting Task16=Short meeting Task17=Regular meeting (conference hall) Task18=Meeting with the director general of Tarasoft, llc (office on the bank) Task19=Prepare a memo for the sales department Task20=Book air tickets Task21=Give the warehouseman information about the remainder in the warehouse Task22=Analyze the report on the Neosvet project Task23=Prepare the report "Planning time on the computer" Task24=Meeting with the client Task25=Plan a marketing campaign promoting the "ABC" project Task26=Prepare a ppt presentation for the workshop Task27=Sign the agreement with SevMash Enterprise about maintenance services for 2 years Task28=Give Ivanov the report on the "A1" project Task29=View the list of the nearest most important events, check up on their dates, add new events Task30=View the task list, highlight those that should be dealt with today in bold: harass those who are responsible by e-mail or by phone Task31=Call the head of the sales department - tell him about how we are doing Task32=Reading "How the Steel Was Tempered" Task33=Subscribe to our newsletter to receive information on new products, releases, and updates (http://www.leadertask.com/content/view/20/35/) Task34=To clear the database, you should select File->Backup->Load